For sheer coolness alone, few movies top Nicolas Winding Refn's "Drive." That film just dripped awesome, from its neon-tinged design aesthetic, ‘80s synth soundtrack, and general tough guy atmosphere (embodied by Ryan Gosling in an instantly iconic performance that was equal parts sweetheart, savior, and murderous thug). Well, Refn and Gosling have teamed up again for this summer's Bangkok-set "Only God Forgives," and going off the just-released red-band trailer it looks like the impossible might have happened -- they might have made an even cooler movie than "Drive."
The trailer is filled with absolutely stunning imagery: Gosling pulling a thug down a hallway by his teeth, Thomas sitting at an ornate table in a club, a very bad dude brandishing a very big sword, a violent shootout at a roadside restaurant, and Gosling, bruised and battered, firing a gun into the camera.
"Only God Forgives" is reportedly about a gangster (Gosling) who runs an underground boxing ring in Bangkok and goes for revenge against the people who murdered his brother. (Last month, Gosling told us that he "gets his ass kicked" in this film.) Granted, none of this really factors into the trailer, but who cares! The movie seems to be continuing Refn's nearly impressionistic visual style that he developed in films like "Bronson" and "Drive" but taken to a whole new level.
"Only God Forgives" opens July 19th.