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In retrospect, it seems appropriate that I spoke to Edgar Wright for this interview via telephone as he rushed from one place to another, dropped the call at one point, and was generally pressed for time during the entire conversation. Mind you, that isn't a complaint at all; rather, it's an indication of how hard-working, committed and most of all energetic Wright is. That he would devote whatever spare minutes he had to field a few questions from yours truly about Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, his terrific new film, is a testament to his generosity, and that he would provide such interesting, insightful, and thought-provoking answers is one to his febrile intelligence and the completeness of his filmmaking vision.
Scott Pilgrim is of course an adaptation of the Bryan Lee O'Malley graphic novel series of the same name, and it seems tailor-made for Wright's leapfrog, pop-culture-saturated sensibilities. The film version is full of references to video games, movies, TV shows, even technological benchmarks, although all combined into one exhilarating pastiche that manages to celebrate and send-up its influences all at the same time, and more than that generate a sincere and substantive connection to its characters. In addition to talking about that foundation of media and technology that fueled his creativity, Wright discussed the characters and feelings beneath all of that visual flourish, and examined the film's ability to work both as a timely chronicle of contemporary relationships, and a reflection of the filmmaker's own evolving maturity.
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