Back in January, a somewhat painstaking dissection of Ice Cube's "It Was a Good Day" was performed, revealing that Ice Cube's good day in question was January 20, 1992. Later, a counterpoint was attempted, showing the day to be November 30, 1988. Then, through his publicist, Ice Cube released the statement, "Nice try."
Well, on Sunday I sat down with Ice Cube -- in the midst of promoting "21 Jump Street" -- and asked him to clear up this "Good Day" debate. And the answer is… well, actually, I'll just let Ice Cube speak for himself.
Someone spent a lot of time trying to figure out your good day from "It Was a Good Day."
Yeah, I heard about that one. Yeah.
Through your publicist, you responded, "Nice try."
"Nice try," you got it right? Or "Nice try," but not even close?
"Nice try" on even trying to dissect that.
The original research shows that it's Jan 20, 1992. Someone else thinks it's Nov 30, 1988.
I think I had a good day on both of those days. You know.
Is this your Carly Simon, "You're So Vain," song? That you'll never admit when it was? Then you'll auction the answer off some day to one guy who, under contract, can't reveal the day?
Nah. You know -- it's a song. It's a fictional song. It's basically my interpretation of what a great day would be. Do you know what I'm saying? So, you know, it's a little of this and a little of that. I don't think you can pinpoint the day.
So you're saying it's a collection of good things from multiple days?
It could have been all of those days.
So it's a conglomerate of your perfect day?
Mike Ryan is the senior writer for Moviefone. He has written for Wired Magazine,,, New York Magazine and Movieline. He likes Star Wars a lot. You can contact Mike Ryan directly on Twitter