This weekend, DreamWorks Animation adds another group of outlandish characters to an already-ridiculous family of ogres, dragons and superheroes with the caveman clan known as "The Croods."
Since its inception in the mid '90s, DreamWorks has been seen as a cinematic rival to the animation powerhouse of Disney and Pixar, but that's not a concern to fans who have enjoyed blockbuster films like "Shrek," "How To Train Your Dragon," and "Madagascar"; and as these movies have introduced audiences to a bevvy of fantastical figures, it's only natural that the web's most talented artists pay tribute to their favorite figures.
Check out some of Moviefone's favorite eye-catching interpretations of the DreamWorks characters in the gallery below.
Our sister site, ComicsAlliance, makes a habit of spotlighting particular artists and/or specific bodies of work. For more awesome fan art, check out their feature Best Art Ever (This Week).
Related: The Best DreamWorks Characters -- Ranking Everyone, From Megamind to Shrek