Last year, when Meryl Streep took to the stage to accept her Best Actress Oscar for "Iron Lady" she said, "I want to thank God -– Harvey Weinstein. The punisher. Old Testament, I guess."
Jesting while she may have been, others have followed in her deferential footsteps. People just love to give thanks to the film producer and studio executive. In fact, the Hollywood Reporter tracked the thank-yous of 48 acceptance speeches this year and, as it turns out, Weinstein out-tallied God by five.
Quvenzhane Wallis, the pint-sized star of "Beasts of the Southern Wild" was the only recent star to call out to the actual big man upstairs. When receiving her win at The Critics' Choice Awards, the nine-year-old actress said, "Thanks. Hello. First I would like to thank God for all my blessings."
While Weinstein took the lead in terms of supreme beings, directors came in as the most-thanked group overall, earning 24 effusive shout-outs.
Jennifer Lawrence, a front-runner for this year's Best Actress, has already sung the praises of Weinstein in her three previous acceptance speeches. If Almighty has anything to do with it, it will happen again on Sunday.
[via THR b/w Yahoo]